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Laid out in 1892 on the farm Groenfontein and named after the owner Christoffel (Rooi Stoffel) Fourie. Was for a while the seat of the government of the Orange Free State during the Anglo Boer War.

Dutch Reformed Church

    Dutch Reformed Church – cnr Reitz and Robertson St - this sandstone church was built in 1864. It was enlarged in 1908 and consecrated in 1909. The cornerstone was laid by H van Broekhuizen on 31 Dec 1893

Burgher Monument

    Burgher Monument - in front of the church. It commemorates the men in battle and the women and children who died during the 2nd ABW of 1899-1902.

National  Bank

    National  Bank – circa 1914

Iron Blockhouse

    Iron Blockhouse – grounds of the DR Church – This is a replica of Major Rice’s design and built for the Anglo Boer War Centenary by the local history society in 2002 as part of the town’s remembrance of the war.

Fouriesburg Hotel

    Fouriesburg Hotel – now named    - built in 1892 on the original farm of the Fouries.

Stone house

    Stone house - one of the many stone houses in the town

Steyn House

    Steyn House – cnr Reitz and Robertson st – This house was occupied by President MT Steyn. during the Anglo Boer War 

Town Hall

    Town Hall - Martin st – This building was erected in 1926. the cornerstone was laid on 8 September 1926. The building contractor was Thomas Drummond. Declared a Provincial Heritage site.

Surrender Hill

    Surrender Hill – between Clarens and Fouriesburg -about 17 km on the R711 – close to Slaapkrantz – The Boers had withdrawn to the Brandwater Basin during the Anglo Boer War. – to them a safe place. They however were surrounded by the British. With no hope to escape General Marthinus Prinsloo and 4300 burghers surrendered on 29 July 1900. Genl CR De Wet and President MT Steyn with about 1500 burghers managed to escape just before the were fully surrounded. Bare patches of ground where grass will not grow are said to be the places where the Boer ammunition was blown up.

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